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Gain access to the most valuable Healthcare Supply Chain resources in Arizona.

Annual Membership Dues to join the Arizona Association for Healthcare Resource and Materials Management are for both healthcare professionals and our vendor partners. They may be subject to change as we continue to build out our chapter.   Fees paid in 2024 will cover the balance of 2024 and also 2025 for the entire year.  

Please note there are different vendor and provider options to help cover cost vs folks paying individually.  See our sponsor page for options. 

Membership fees help cover the fees of operating a non-profit as well as the cost for us to obtain our CEC learning credits from AHRMM.  

Our commitment to our members is to offer enough education credits (45 CEC in 3 years) to be able to renew your CMRP certification without having to retake the test!

Membership includes the following:

  1. Access to all virtual meetings and webinars
  2. Access to all Arizona AHRMM events
  3. Access to chapter communications and past event webinars
  4. Access to a growing network of Healthcare Supply Chain professionals

Learn more about the benefits of being a Provider Sponsor or Vendor Sponsor by going to the Sponsor Page

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About us

The Arizona Materials Management Healthcare Association are a passionate group of individuals interested in advancing and understanding the healthcare supply chain.

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Gain access to the most valuable Healthcare Supply Chain resources in the Mountain West.

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